
This Evaluation theme aims to contribute to the development of robust social prescribing evaluation. It explores evaluation with different population groups, contexts and social prescribing models whilst using methods such as realist review, realist evaluation, group concept mapping and consensus methods.

WSSPR projects within this theme are listed below:

‘Enhancing Student Wellbeing through Social Prescribing’ :
A realist approach

A realist evaluation of a social prescribing intervention for higher education students to improve their well-being and mental health. The intervention will be implemented and evaluated in Wrexham Glyndŵr University and the principles will be transferred to University of South Wales.

Funder: Higher Education Funding Council for Wales

Partners: Wrexham Glyndŵr University, University of South Wales, Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC), PRIME Centre Wales.

Read the report for the WGU GCM study: 
Cymraeg + Annexes

Contact: Prof Carolyn Wallace

Realist Evaluation of Social Prescribing with Time Credits

Time Credits as a Social Prescription: The Co-production of a Conceptual Framework, Programme Evaluation and Social Return on Investment.
A 24-month feasibility study using realist evaluation and social return on investment to understand how social prescribing with time credits may improve mental health and well-being of patients to prepare for a future outcome evaluation.

Funder: Social Care Research Grant with Health and Care Research Wales

Partners: Cardiff University, Leicester University, Bangor University

Contact: Dr Mary Lynch

A Realist Evaluation of a Community Support Group: The Grow Well Project

A realist evaluation of a greenspace social prescribing intervention for people with health and wellbeing issues. The intervention will be evaluated using a mixed-method realist approach which will inform the development of a bespoke monitoring tool.

Partner: University of South Wales, Grow Cardiff

Publication: Wallace C, Nicholls N, Griffiths L, Elliott M, (Nov, 2021) Evaluation of the Grow Well Project. Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR), Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care, University of South Wales, PRIME Centre Wales. P54

Contact: Prof Carolyn Wallace

An evaluation of the 'Wild Skills Wild Spaces' ecotherapy programme

Wild Skills Wild Spaces aims to deliver a range of nature-themed activities (ecotherapy) designed to improve the health, skills and well-being of local communities in Montgomeryshire. An evaluation of the programme will be conducted using a mixed methods framework investigating both processes and outcomes.

Funder: Welsh Government

Partner: Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust, Powys Teaching Health Board, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR)

Contact: Prof Diane Crone

Realist evaluation of staying well in your community: Identifying social prescribing intervention profiles for type & impact.
PhD - Susan Beese 

Realist review using mixed methods sequential design and 4 cycles to investigate interventions in the Cwm Taf area. To develop an explanatory theory of intervention profiles around how, why, for whom and to what extent they work. 

Funder: Welsh Government, KESS 2

Partner: University of South Wales, Interlink RCT 

Contact: Susan Beese & Prof Carolyn Wallace

Identifying the roles of a Link Worker 
PhD - Tom Roberts

Mixed-methods study exploring day-to-day practice of link workers in Wales and the rest of the UK and understanding the roles that are the most prominent in their practice.

Funder: Welsh Government, KESS2.

Partners: University of South Wales, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB.

Contact: Tom Roberts & Prof Carolyn Wallace

Pathway to Portfolio
Creating community assets/social capital within the context of Social Prescribing

Consensus workshops with social prescribers from Cwm Taf Morgannwg area to consider the role of community assets and develop 6 ranked research priority areas. 

Funder: Health & Social Care Wales, Pathway to Portfolio

Partners: Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, Wales Council for Voluntary Action, University of South Wales

Contact: Dr Sally Rees

An evaluation study to investigate recruitment into social prescribing interventions & explore skills sets of Link Workers in dealing with complex case referrals. MRes - Abraham Makanjuola

This project is a mixed method evaluation study exploring the skills, knowledge and level of experience of link workers in Social Prescribing. The aims are; to determine current referral rates to SP interventions, to identify current Link Works (LW) skills mix, to identify skills required by LW in dealing with more complex referrals, to determine what is the current SP referral criteria & to develop guidance for SP process referral pathway leading to quality improvements.  

Funder: KESS 2

Partners: Bangor University, Conwy Council

Contact: Abraham Makanjoula & Dr Mary Lynch