Social Value

The aim of this theme is to undertake social value research for social prescribing programmes to provide evidence for impact of interventions, resource allocation and value for money services.

WSSPR projects within this theme are listed below:

EmotionMind Dynamic: Social Return on Investment of a Guided, Self-help Programme to Improve Emotional Wellbeing in West Wales

A 12-month SROI will establish social value created by EmotionMind Dynamic, a six module coaching programme developed by Hayley Wheeler for improving mental health for clients experiencing emotional difficulties. The pilot SROI study will compare EMD delivered either face-to-face, or through a blended learning approach for approximately 60 self-referred or socially prescribed adults.

Funder: Accelerate, Welsh European Funding Office

Partners: Bangor University, Cardiff University, Hayley T Wheeler Ltd, Hywel Dda UHB

Publication: Makanjuola A, Lynch M, Hartfiel N, Cuthbert A, Wheeler HT, Edwards RT. A Social Return on Investment Evaluation of the Pilot Social Prescribing EmotionMind Dynamic Coaching Programme to Improve Mental Wellbeing and Self-Confidence. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Aug 26;19(17):10658. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191710658. 

Gwynedd Bus Project: Social Value of Subsidised Bus Routes in Gwynedd

This study estimated the social value generated from nearly 2,000 bus passengers in Gwynedd who completed questionnaires between February and July 2019. Social value ratios were estimated by comparing the social value generated for passengers with the costs incurred by the Local Authority in providing subsidised bus services.

Funder: Gwynedd County Council

Contact: Dr Ned Hartiel

I CAN WORK: Social Return on Investment of the I CAN WORK project in North Wales

The purpose of this SROI is to inform the viability of the I CAN WORK programme. I CAN WORK provides employment specialists to support individuals, with mild to moderate mental health problems, to secure full or part-time employment following referral to the programme.

Funder: Welsh Assembly Government


Contact: Dr Louise Prendergast and Dr Ned Hartfiel

Social Return on Investment of the PrAISED programme - promoting activity, independence & stability for people with early dementia

As part of a multi-centred randomised controlled trial, this SROI will establish the social value generated by the PrAISED programme for approximately 350 participants with early dementia (and their carers). The programme includes 30 to 50 one-to-one sessions delivered over 12 months in the homes of participants by a physiotherapist or rehabilitation worker.

Funder: NIHR

Partners: Bangor University & Nottingham University

Publication: Ned Hartfiel, John Gladman, Rowan Harwood, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards, Social Return on Investment of Home Exercise and Community Referral for People With Early Dementia. Gerontology and Geriatric MedicineVolume 8, January-December 2022

Contact: Dr Ned Hartfiel

Realist evaluation of staying well in your community: Identifying social prescribing intervention profiles for type & impact.
PhD - Susan Beese 

Realist review using mixed methods sequential design and 4 cycles to investigate interventions in the Cwm Taf area. To develop an explanatory theory of intervention profiles around how, why, for whom and to what extent they work. 

Funder: Welsh Government, KESS 2

Partner: University of South Wales, Interlink RCT 

Contact: Susan Beese & Prof Carolyn Wallace

Exploring the development of a new Community Care Hub and implementation of this social model into primary care delivery in Wales.
PhD - Genevieve Hopkins

Exploring the development of a new Community Care Hub and implementation of this social model into primary care delivery in Wales.

A PhD research studentship to explore and evaluate a new Community Care Hub in primary care to meet the health and well-being needs of the vulnerable and homeless in society, using realist evaluation, synthesis and social return on investment methodologies.

Funder: KESS2

Partners: Bangor University, Community Care Collaborative CIC

Contact: Dr Diane Seddon and Dr Ceryl Davies 

Developing a conversation about identifying community needs to embrace well-being through social prescribing interventions 
MRes - Gwenlli Thomas

Consensus workshops with social prescribers from Cwm Taf Morgannwg area to consider the role of community assets and develop 6 ranked research priority areas. 

Funder: Health & Social Care Wales, Pathway to Portfolio

Partners: Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, Wales Council for Voluntary Action, University of South Wales

Contact: Dr Sally Rees

Developing a theory of change for a complex programme; a systematic framework for ensuring the delivery of outcomes in a new Wellbeing Hub for the Nantlle Valley 
MRes - Cher Lewney

A study to explore whether the application of a theory of change model is effective in supporting the redesign of complex public services using a scoping review and logic model workshops.

Funder: KESS2

Partners: Bangor University, Grwp Cynefin

Publication: Llinos Haf Spencer, Mary Lynch, Gwenlli Thomas,Developing a conversation about identifying community needs to embrace wellbeing through social prescribing interventions: a qualitative study. The Lancet,Vol398, S2,2021,Pg S82.

Contact: Cher Lewney and Dr Mary Lynch.

Applying a social return on investment (SROI) framework to evaluate 'MY LIFE' social prescribing service to support people in Conwy West in living healthy and active lives.
PhD - Adam Skinner

A study to examine the evidence to identify if SP interventions in the UK are effective for managing prediabetes and to determine the SROI of the MY LIFE programme for preventing prediabetes in Conwy West, North Wales.

Funder: KESS2

Partners: Bangor University

Final report: Adam Skinner, A systematic review and a social return on investment analysis of social prescribing for prediabetes patients in the UK. 2022.